JR Peete

JR Peete is a Nashville native and Chief Development Officer at Sunderland Coaching. His genius is seeing the genius in his clients.

He has worked for 20 years in the insurance and financial services industry and 11 years as a business broker facilitating buying and selling of businesses for clients and himself all over the country. Additionally, he has 14 years in the facility management and construction industries working with companies and government agencies in 16 US states and territories.

JR has a bachelor's degree from Western Kentucky University majoring in Human Resources / Personnel Management and a master's degree from Austin Peay State University in Business Management. He is currently studying Conscious Leadership at the University of Chicago.

JR is a board member of Nashville Emerging Leaders and Old School Farm and worked in programs such as the Catalyst (EO), Capital One Catapult, CVS Health Supplier Development, JE Dunn Construction Business Development, SBA Thrive, Nashville Emerging Leaders, Comcast Rise, Disability:IN, and the CEO Roundtable.